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TaCOS: Task-Specific Camera Optimization with Simulation

Designing cameras with high perception task performance is costly, requires human labour and hardware experiments. We introduce an end-to-end optimization approach for co-designing a camera automatically with specific perception tasks. This work leverages recent computer graphics techniques and physical camera characteristics to prototype the camera in software simulation. The main contributions of this work are:

  • An end-to-end camera design method that combines derivative-free and gradient-based optimization to automatically co-design cameras with perception tasks, allowing continuous, discrete, and categorical camera variables
  • A camera simulation that includes a physics-based noise model and a virtual environment, and provide a procedurally generated environments
  • Validation through comparison of synthetic imagery to imagery captured with physical cameras
  • Demonstration of camera designs with improved performance than the state-of-the-art design method and common off-the-shelf alternatives

This work is a key step in simplifying the process of designing cameras for autonomous systems like robots, emphasizing task performance and manufacturability constraints.


•  C. Yan and D. G. Dansereau, “TaCOS: Task-specific camera optimization with simulation,” in Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025. Available here.

•  Video Presentation and Poster at WACV 2025.


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  title={{TaCOS}: Task-Specific Camera Optimization with Simulation},
  author = {Chengyang Yan and Donald G. Dansereau},
  booktitle={Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},


We would like to thank both ARIA Research Pty Ltd and the Australian government for their funding support via a CRC Projects Round 11 grant.



The code is available here.


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